CSA - Conseil Supérieur de l'audiovisuel Rapport d'activité 2007
  Rapport d'activité Les annexes du rapport Summary



2007, building the television and radio of tomorrow for the benefit of all: progress and outlook

CSA's key figures in 2007

CSA's key dates in 2007

Key figures of the french audiovisual industry in 2007

Members of the Conseil and their fields of specialization

Les membres du Conseil et leurs domaines d'activité

Les avis

Les recommandations

Les délibérations

Les décisions

Les communiqués

CSA's key dates in 2007

  1. January
  2. February
  3. March
  4. April
  5. May
  6. June
  1. July
  2. August
  3. September
  4. October
  5. November
  6. December




4 January
The Conseil publishes the list of digital terrestrial television (DTT) sites to be commissioned before the end of the year, thereby completing the initial planning phase of DTT roll-out. A recommendation is adopted by the Conseil on the financing of television programs by the collectivités territoriales (local authorities).

17 January
Opening of a public consultation on personal mobile television, prior to the launch of calls for tenders.

24 January
The terms of office of Dominique Baudis, Chairman of the CSA since January 2001, and of the conseillers (board members) Francis Beck and Philippe Levrier having expired, the President of the Republic makes three new appointments: Michel Boyon, as Chairman of the Conseil, and Alain Méar (designated by the Chairman of French Sénat) and Rachid Arhab (designated by the Chairman of the French Assemblée nationale), as membres du Conseil (board members).

25 January
Catherine Levaï is appointed as chef de cabinet (principal private secretary) of the Chairman of the CSA.

30 January
The newly-composed Conseil holds its first meeting and designates the heads of its working groups (groupes de travail) and task forces (missions). In addition, it creates a commission de réflexion prospective (forward-looking reflection commission) on audiovisuals.






6 February
Adoption of the summary of the input received in response to the public consultation on digital radio opened on 3 October 2006.

13 February
The Conseil publishes a recommendation in preparation for the election to the Assemblée territoriale of Wallis-and- Futuna and launches a call for tenders for radio in Bourgogne and in Franche-Comté.

17 February
Olivier Japiot is appointed as director general of the CSA.

20 February
Hearings of the heads of LCI and BFM TV are held following the review of the speaking time given to political figures during the campaign for the presidential election to take place in April and May 2007. The Conseil draws the channels’ attention to the excessive bipolarization of speaking time recorded on their channels to the benefit of two candidates.
Local channel Cityzen TV (Caen) is granted a broadcasting license.






5 March
Adoption of the loi relative à la modernisation de la diffusion audiovisuelle et à la télévision du futur (law relating to the modernization of audiovisual broadcasting and to television in the future), supplementing the legal framework for the digitization of audiovisual broadcasting and setting forth in particular the terms and conditions to the implementation of high definition television and personal mobile television.

26 March
Beginning of the public hearings of applicants for the creation of local DTT channels in the Paris region. Due to the number of applicants, almost 30, the hearings take place until 4 April.

27 March
The Conseil sets forth conditions to the change in the capital of TPS Star and Groupe AB and launches a call for tenders for radio in the geographical jurisdiction of the CTR (comité technique radiophonique (radio technical committee)) of Marseille.

31 March
Start of phase 5 of the roll-out of DTT.






3 April
The Conseil issues its opinion on a draft décret (decree) amending the cahiers des missions et des charges (terms of reference) of France 2, France 3 and France 5 to the Minister for culture and communication.

17 April
Adoption of a recommendation to protect minors who participate in television shows and of an opinion on 4 technical arrêtés (government decisions) relating to personal mobile television.

18 April
The Conseil publishes a recommendation relating to the general election of 10 and 17 June. On 10 May, a second supplemental recommendation is issued regarding several overseas départements and collectivités.






10 May
Adoption of the summary of the input received in response to the public consultation on high definition television opened on 19 December 2006.
Selection of operators
following a call for tenders for radio launched on 7 November 2006 in Île-de-France in the département of Oise. 66 new frequencies are about to be opened following the optimization work carried out by the Conseil on the FM band.
Launch of a call for tenders for radio in the Champagne- Ardenne region.

15 May
New radio operators are selected in the Auvergne and Limousin regions following a call for tenders launched on 21 November 2006. 74 new frequencies are identified in these two regions.

30 May
Eight digital radio experimentations are authorized.






5 June
Following the referral to the Conseil in 2006 of fourteen dispute settlement requests dealing with channel numbering in service offers by distributors, the Conseil issues its decisions, thereby exercising for the first time the jurisdiction granted to it under the Law of 9 July 2004. Simultaneously, the Conseil launches a public consultation on a draft deliberation to set forth the terms and conditions for channel numbering.
Seven channel projects are selected following a call for tenders launched on 25 July 2006 for the broadcasting of local channels on DTT in the Paris region.

5 and 12 June
The Conseil launches a call for experimental projects, followed by a call for tenders for channels to be broadcast in high definition.

12 June
A summary of the input received in response to the public consultation on personal mobile television opened on 19 January 2006 is adopted.

16 June
The Conseil decides to authorize 18 local channels already broadcasting in analogue to broadcast on DTT as from mid-September.

25 June
The Chairman of the CSA speaks during the 4th Journée de la création TV (TV creation day) to state that the Conseil intends in particular to utilize the digital revolution as leverage for French audiovisual creation.

26 June
The Conseil initiates the discussion process with private channels to insert new provisions relating to the accessibility of their programs for people with hearing disabilities into their conventions (legal agreements).






1 July
Michel Boyon and Agnès Vincent-Deray participate in the creation of the Réseau des instances francophones de régulation des médias (network of French-speaking media regulation authorities) (Refram) in Ouagadougou (Burkina Faso). It is a twenty-member network of regulatory authorities of French-speaking countries in Africa and Europe plus Canada. The CSA assumes the standing bureau.

10 July
Adoption of a plan for the extension of DTT coverage for historical channels with a view to reaching the objective of 95% of the population of mainland France by 2011 as set forth in law, while guaranteeing a homogeneous coverage of the entire territory. Review of France Televisions’ channels’ activity for 2006.

17 July
As part of its review of the dispute between channel Voyage and CanalSatellite, the Conseil requests CanalSatellite to send to the channel a proposal for an objective, fair and non-discriminatory distribution. Review of the activity of cinema and pay-per-view channels for 2006.

17 July and 16 October
The Conseil reviews the 2006 activity of pay channels.

24 July
Opening of a public consultation prior to the launch of calls for tenders for new local television channels to broadcast in digital and issuance of their licenses to the future DTT channels of région Île-de-France.
Publication of a list of 65 new zones to be covered by DTT as from March 2008. Canal+ and the new DTT channels make coverage commitments regarding mainland France similar to those given by historical channels as regards 2011.
Adoption of the deliberation regarding channel numbering in distributors’ service offers, the deliberation having previously been subject to a public consultation. Launch of two calls for tenders for radio, one in Midi-Pyrénées, and the other one in régions of Centre and Poitou-Charentes. Operators are selected following a call for tenders launched on 13 February in Bourgogne and in Franche-Comté. 77 new frequencies are to be opened in these two regions.

28 July
Commissioning of the Mâcon transmitter completes the fifth phase of DTT roll-out. 70% of the population of mainland France has now access to DTT.







28 August – 1 September
Members of the Conseil go to South Korea, for the Broadcast Worldwide 07 conference on the challenges of the digital revolution.






5 September
The deadline for the commissioning of the sites of phase 6 of the DTT roll-out is set: as of 15 December, DTT will cover 85% of the population of mainland France.

13 September
Start of the broadcasting on DTT of eighteen local channels, and of several regional cut-aways (décrochages locaux) of France 3 and in the Paris region of France Ô.

19 September
Opening of the public consultation provided for under paragraph III of article 96 of the Law of 30 September 1986, for the planning of new channels for the broadcasting of local digital channels.
Review of the activity of channels TF1, M6, Europe 2 TV, Direct 8 and W9 for 2006.






1 October
Start of the new television campaign to raise awareness of the youth protection rating system. The campaign is produced by the Conseil and emphasizes the negative impact of violent images on the youngest ones: difficulty going to sleep, nightmares, anxiety, violence made ordinary, aggressiveness.

2 October
The Conseil answers Messrs. François Hollande and Didier Mathus regarding the President of the Republic’s presence in the audiovisual media.

23 October
208 new zones are selected in which DTT will be broadcast as from 2008.






6 November
Adoption of the report on the 2007 presidential campaign. It includes sixteen proposals by Conseil to improve its implementation.
Launch of a call for tenders for thirteen personal mobile television channels and five calls for tenders for local digital television channels.

13 November
Publication of a recommendation for the coming elections (cantonales and municipales) of March 2008. The recommendation is to apply as from 1 February 2008.
Adoption of a deliberation relating to the broadcasting of advertising for over-charged telephone services or text messages likely to exploit the inexperience or gullibility of minors.
Selection of radio operators following the call for tenders launched on 10 May 2007 in région Champagne-Ardenne. 64 new frequencies will be added to the radio supply in the region. Launch of several calls for tenders for radio: one in the geographical jurisdiction of the CTR (comité technique radiophonique (radio technical committee)) of Lille, the second one for the collectivités of Saint-Martin and Saint- Barthélemy (Guadeloupe), the third one for Guyane, Guadeloupe and Martinique.

20 November
Following the call for tenders launched on 12 June 2007, the Conseil selects channels TF1 HD and M6 HD and announces its intention of launching new calls for tenders in HD, one for a pay channel, the other one for free channels. The broadcasting of France 2 in high definition is also planned, the Government having exercised its priority right of reservation.

27 November
A commercial agreement is reached between channel Voyage and CanalSatellite a few moments prior to the adversary hearing organized by the Conseil as part of the dispute settlement request referred to it. The Conseil expresses its satisfaction at the outcome after several weeks of negotiations.
Selection of the operators following the call for tenders for radio launched on 27 March 2007 in the Provence-Alpes-Côte d’Azur region. 109 new frequencies may now be used. The plenary meeting welcomes Messrs. David Kessler and Dominique Richard as part of the mission entrusted to them by the Minister for culture and communication on the relationship between producers and broadcasters.

30 November
Michel Boyon, Agnès Vincent-Deray and Rachid Arhab go to Marrakech (Morocco) for the meeting of the Réseau des instances de régulation méditerranéennes (Rirm) (Mediterranean network of regulatory authorities), of which the CSA is a founding member.






2-10 December
Members of the Conseil go to Hong-Kong and Taiwan to participate in the Digital goes to reality 2007 conference.

4 December
Adoption of two deliberations, one relating to enticements to use over-charged text or phone services setting forth rules for “télé-tirelire” (call TV) programs, the other one relating to the use of condoms in pornographic programs.

7 December
Hearing of Collectif interassociatif Enfance et Médias (Ciem) on the issue of channels for very-young children.

11 December
Opening of the public consultation provided for in the Law of 5 March 2007 to prepare the switch-off to digital broadcasting. The dead-line for the input is 4 February 2008. Launch of a call for tenders for radio in the geographical jurisdiction of the comité technique radiophonique (radio technical committee) of Caen.

13 December
The Conseil organizes a meeting in Paris of a large number of public and private stakeholders in the development of local television channels. The following week, the Conseil adopts a summary of the input in response to the public consultation on frequency planning for future digital local channels opened on 19 September 2007.

18 December
Adoption of a recommendation for the elections to the Assemblée of French Polynesia to take place on 27 January and 10 February 2008. Launch of five new calls for tenders for local channels in digital mode. Opening of a call for tenders for a quantitative and qualitative study on the representation of diversity in television programs.

